Relationship Counselling South

Mike Gray


Mike Gray. MikeG

What I work with

I specialise in relationship issues, so I usually work with couples, and sometimes with individuals on relationship issues. Examples of problems are:
• Arguments, “bickering”
• Poor communications
• Infidelity
• One partner thinks they may want to leave but are not sure
• Disagreements about money, parenting, or in-laws
• Drifting apart

Often one of the couple is more keen on counselling than the other one. I can help with this.

My approach is that the couple has fallen into a bad pattern of interacting; it’s not that one partner is totally to blame. I am not looking to decide who’s right. What we will do is try to understand that pattern, and why it’s so difficult to have a sensible conversation without it going off the rails.

Practical details

Please contact me to arrange a first session. You are under no obligation to continue. The best way to contact me is by email on . My sessions last 70 minutes, because I find a slightly longer session works well with couples.

My charge for 70 minutes is £75. With individuals I offer shorter sessions at a lower fee. I prefer to have a regular slot with people, so that we always meet at the same time every week. However, if your work patterns make that impossible, we can discuss it.

My website is, where you will find more information, including what free appointment slots I currently have.

I am a registered member of the BACP, and in line with their policies, I have regular professional supervision, ongoing training, insurance, and a GDPR privacy policy.


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